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YogAnga Retreat at Śri Santosh Puri Ashram

YogAnga Retreat at Sri Santosh Puri Ashram: Explore a yogic lifestyle, where yogis were born and raised… on the bank of the sacred Ganga River in the foothills of the Himalayas (between Haridwar and Rishikesh).

“I remember since childhood, Baba Ji and Mata Ji (using nearly 20 kilos of carrots!) would make carrot halva on the dhuni for the ashram and guests on Chrismas day, what we called “bada din” (big day, just after the winter solstice, new moon). While serving it to our guests, Mata Ji would sing Silent Night in German. Carrot Halva revitalizes and warms the body, helping the blood circulation and regulating the hemoglobin, and it is also good for eyes.” – Mandakini Puri

Serves: approximately 10 people

Carrots (washed, peeled, shredded): 1 kg
Milk: 2 cups
Sugar (brown): 1 cup
Green cardamom powder: 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon: 1/2 teaspoon
Raisins: 1/2 cup
Cashews: 1/2 cup
Ghee: 4 tablespoons
Grated fresh coconut: half cup (optional)

1. Boil the carrots and milk in a pan. Reduce the heat to moderate and cook for 20-25 minutes (stirring continually until the liquid is reduced to half).

2. Add the sugar, half of the cardamom and half of the cinnamon.

3. Heat the ghee in a separate pan, add half of the cashews, half of the raisins, the cooked carrots and half of the coconut. Mix it well. Cook until the mixture begins to separate from the sides. Close the fire.

4. Add the remaining cardamom, cinnamon, cashews, raisins and coconut for garnish. Serve warm.

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