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YogAnga Retreat at Śri Santosh Puri Ashram

YogAnga Retreat at Sri Santosh Puri Ashram: Explore a yogic lifestyle, where yogis were born and raised… on the bank of the sacred Ganga River in the foothills of the Himalayas (between Haridwar and Rishikesh).

Shiva Tantra Mantra Meditation Residential Course 2026 Feb 2 – 17

February 2, 2026 @ 4:00 am - February 17, 2026 @ 9:00 pm +09
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YogAnga Retreat at Sri Santosh Puri Ashram - www.yoganga.org - shiva tantra mantra meditation, śiva śakti and nara, chakra wheel of letters, sanskrit, shiva sutras

YogAnga Retreat’s Shiva Tantra Mantra Meditation Residential Course, based on the Shiva Sutra, will be taught by Ganga Puri: February 12 – 17, 2026.

The Shiva Sutra (Śivasūtra-s) is an ancient scripture from which arose Kashmir Shaivism during the 9th century. 77 aphorisms (poetic lines of Sanskrit text) provide a very deep threefold explanation about our consciousness, its evolution and the 36 tatvas (elements) that make up the human body.

According to legend, a popular Guru in Kashmir named Vasugupta (c . 800 C.E . ) dreamt that Shiva told him to seek out the secret esoteric teaching about the various states of – ‘chaitanyam atma’ – supreme threefold consciousness (that which holds everything). Shiva told him in the dream that he would find the 77 aphorisms (Śivasūtra-s), inscribed on a large rock on the mountain Mahadeva (near modern day Srinagar). He indeed found them and thus this scripture is available for study, offering spiritual guidance in our pursuit of being free from suffering, till this day.

We suffer living within the world of duality, thinking we are separate from the divine. Together we will tune in and open the pain-full knot of this suffering. 

Through these 77 aphorisms (Śivasūtra-s) Shiva Sutras, we will analyze the threefold nature of Śiva, Śakti and Nara. Śiva is God, and Śakti is God’s I-consciousness. Nara is human being. This Trika (threefold non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) teaches that Śiva, Śakti and Nara are not different, nor separate from one another. We will begin to understand this, as told through simple stories of Shiva and his family.

In this Shiva Tantra Mantra Meditation – Shiva Sutra Course, we will also learn about Mārtika Chakra (wheel of letters) and its Shakti, the subtle power that forms thoughts and words.

Mātrikas, goddess of the alphabet and letters, are considered the tiny mothers of “creation”. Eight Mātrikas represent the deep roots of each vibration of sound from which eight groups of letters, and thus words and language are formed.

Furthermore we will use the Sanskrit Alphabet to awaken the consciousness of the body, mind, and soul, through the understanding and practical expression of Śiva (vowels) and Śakti (consonants). Ancient secrets will be revealed in the form of these 77 Śivasūtra-s.

Through daily parāyanam (call and response), you will practice correct pronunciation of the Sanskrit Alphabet. Then through japa (chanting specific meditative mantras), we will awaken the vibrational flow of cosmic energy (prāṇa).

Utilizing this mātrika chakra (wheel of letters), participants may also gain an experiential understanding of mantra japa siddhi (the power achieved by repetitious chanting sanskrit syllables). We hope YogAnga Retreat’s Shiva Tantra Mantra Meditation Residential Course will help any sadhak, open the nature’s treasure of divine truth, bringing us closer to mokṣa (freedom).

Also, no prior knowledge of Sanskrit or Devanagari is required.


This course also corresponds with our Mahashivaratri celebrations!


Ganga Puri Rox - Jyotish Vedic Astrology Readings, Yoga Teacher Trainings, and Yoga Therapy Consultations - YogAnga Retreat at Sri Santosh Puri Ashram - www.yoganga.org - shiva tantra mantra meditation, śiva śakti and nara, chakra wheel of letters, sanskrit

Shiva Tantra Mantra Meditation Residential Course Typical Daily Routine (subject to change):

  • 4:00 Am – awakening Conch, Aarti, Silent Meditation, herbal tea
  • 7:30 Am –  YogAsana
  • 9:00 Am – Breakfast
  • 10:00 Am – Karma Yoga
  • 11:00 Am – Svādhyāya (self study time)
  • 1:00 Pm – Lunch
  • 3:00 Pm – Tea Time (Herbal Tea)
  • 4:00 Pm – Śivasūtra-s (Shiva Sutras) class
  • 6:00 Pm – Dinner
  • 7:15 Pm – Vedic Chanting by the dhuni
  • 8:00 Pm – Meditation or Kirtan
  • 9:00 Pm – Lights out

What kind of Visa Should I get?

Please visit the official government website for the latest updates on which visas are available.

Contact us for enquiries or fill out the registration form.

We recommend arriving a few days early so that you may also attend the following event:

Share our OM...


February 2, 2026 @ 4:00 am +09
February 17, 2026 @ 9:00 pm +09
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Sri Santosh Puri Ashram, Haripur Kalan, via Raiwala
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